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Demise Premise: Or So I Thought (Expired Empires #1) by Heron Djenne Canvasback

Updated: Feb 15, 2021

Eldred's students are too [smart/ young/ rich/ powerful] for their own good. One party realized that politicians and lovers play the same game: seduction. Diana Lancaster's arrival in the prep-school division of Eldred University and Preparatory is not coincidental. This decentralizing Casanova of multiparty systems movement protests that the monogamous submission is incompatible with democracy.

Ill-will creeps in to overcome homesick Diana. Murkiness lurks underneath each thread and every eyelash. Her heart is the first conquest for the charming candidates in the dominion of vampires, but she's not a bloodsucker. She suspiciously becomes lovesick with an enchanting but reserved corrupter at Eldred. This beguiling pollutant is a professor who is historically infamous for being an insane bane of maddening love.

A murder mystery leads to puzzling clues. Love created this destruction. The affairs of life-changing romances prove vital. These memories are impurely preserved in legends. Histories becomes current-events. If she can save time, it won't kill her.

Ever since the battleground expanded, I, Yumi Villanueva, am Diana's delegated angelic Executor, and will serve as your narrator. Won't you join us?

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This is book one of an eight book series. I will be post chapters serially, as I revise and I write; since Demise Premise is written more like a manga than a novel, this series will have multimedia integrations, and be interactive.

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